Nothing is more important than the health of you and your family. Unfortunately, many families live in homes that pose risks to residents’ well-being without them even knowing it. From outdated materials to overlooked concerns, these sneaky threats raise the possibility of illness for anyone who spends time in your home.

Something in the Air

The first place to look is in the air you breathe. Although everyone knows to install adequate smoke alarms around the home, there are other risks that too many homeowners overlook. Equally important for safe detection are carbon monoxide alarms, which warn you when the otherwise undetectable gas is in the air.

Radon is a radioactive gas which seeps up from under the ground and can cause lung cancer if left to build up. Radon is dangerous, but it is easy to manage with a radon venting system.

A remodel can bring new life to your home, but it can also bring airborne compounds that can cause headaches and other illness. Proper ventilation is important when painting or adding brand new furniture to a room to allow the airborne elements to diffuse and escape harmlessly.

The Past Can Come Back to Haunt You

Many materials that were once commonplace in homes turned out to be toxic or otherwise dangerous. If you have a home that is more than a couple decades old, you should have a professional inspector examine it for potential problems. The most common issues come from the formerly widespread use of lead-based paints, and the use of asbestos in fire-proofing. Both are no longer common practice due to the health risks they pose.

Creature Concerns

There’s a whole world of creepy crawlies and critters looking for a warm place to set up shop. If you don’t maintain a clean home, you’re just asking for pest problems. Create a regular cleaning schedule and never leave messes to sit around. Perform regular cleanings of your furniture. Remove and wash any fabric coverings you can, and vacuum furniture with unremovable upholstery.

When it comes to building a safe home to live in, there’s no room for cutting corners. It’s always easier to prevent a problem from occurring than it is to solve it after disaster strikes. Keep these tips in mind and stay vigilant, and your home will stay the safe and welcoming sanctuary you want it to be.